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Pairs who come the closet to the Daily Percentage wins PBB$10.
for Scheduled Days
and daily percentage.
A Player from each game will be drawn by the director to win PBB$10
These drawings will be on random days chosen by the
BAND Online Director.
Play in 15-24 499er or 299er games
in March and win PBB$10
Play in 25-31 499er or 299er games
in March and win PBB$20
PBB$ may be used to purchase Masterclasses, Workshops or Seminars!
Play daily 499er and 299er Games at 1:15pm central on!
Looking for a partner for the 499er & 299er Games? Click Here!
As Declarer, you have a never ever suit you would like the Defender’s to lead, but you don’t have an exit suit. What about a Loser-on-Loser Play? Included: Video, Handout and Practice Hands which can be replayed on Shark Bridge.
Join Donna and Chris for 5 nights and 4 days of World Class Lessons, Silver Masterpoint Open/299er/49er Games, and evening local attractions on the Kansas City Plaza including Starlight Outdoor Theater!
Enjoy 20% or more discounts upon joining. There are four member levels ~ Club, Diamond, Heart & Spade.
Membership is free!
Free ZOOM Mini Lessons with
World Champion Donna Compton weekdays at 9:45am-10:15am CT. It's a great way to start your day!
Join Donna and Chris for 5 nights and 4 days of World Class Lessons, Silver Masterpoint Open/299er/49er Games, and evening local attractions on the Santa Fe Plaza including the Santa Fe Outdoor Opera House!
BAND Online hosts daily Open/499er/299er Games at 1:15pm Central. All KIND players welcome!
Choose between two fabulous topics:
Who's the Master Hand?
Hand Counting Discovery Play
Donna will have you playing bridge in just six videos. Watch the videos, play the practice hands and send questions to Donna!
Enjoy videos by World Champion Donna Compton of Mini lessons, Class Excerpts, and Puzzle Times!
This class will bring you up to speed on Long Suit Points, Short-Suit Points and Honors Upgrades.
Donna explores Trick One Thought. A step-by-step analysis of Declarer + Dummy play in all types of contracts.
Donna works through Defenders' Checklist starting with Opening Leads through Defensive Signals
If you're having a good time learning from us, share your love on Facebook and get a $5 Coupon good for any video or live online classes.
Once you're done, email . This is how we know what email to send the code to. Please include screenshots or links to your social media if applicable.