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Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, Play Better Bridge has a class for you! All course materials are designed by World Champion and Master Teacher Donna Compton. Bridge Workshops and Donna's Seminars are designed to be taken in order, but you can also purchase individual classes and seminars. Scroll down for descriptions.
Play Better Bridge’s comprehensive Five Year Curriculum is designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced player. The courses below give a broad overview of bidding, play, defense, and deductive reasoning. They are listed in the suggested order to take them, from left to right.
Each class comes with a video lesson, handout, and lesson hands that can be replayed in Shark Bridge. Click the titles for more information about the lessons in each course. You can also buy the lessons individually, as opposed to the entire course. Scroll down for the Seminars, which dive into more specific situations and topics. Shop Workshops
Introduction to Bridge Course Description For those who have never played bridge. The first class starts with “there are 52 cards in a deck!”
Modern Bidding Course Description Topics include modern hand evaluation, Stayman, Jacoby Transfers, modern overcalls, and modern takeout doubles.
Take More Tricks As Declarer Course Description Focuses on the Declarer’s Plan in notrump contracts and suit contracts. Topics introduced in the Modern Bidding Course are also reinforced.
Become a Better Defender Course Description Learn fundamental opening leads, second hand play, third hand play and signaling on defense.
All Around Game 1 (AAG1) Bidding Course Description
Donna takes you through multiple bidding topics over the course of 8 hands.
All Around Game 1 (AAG1) Play Course Description Donna takes you through multiple play topics over the course of 12 hands.
All Around Game 1 (AAG1) Defense Course Description Donna takes you through multiple defense topics over the course of 8 hands.
All Around Game 2 (AAG2) Course Description Introduces you to weak & strong hand bidding. Focuses on trick one declarer play, common sense defense and counting losers in the master hand.
All Around Game 3 (AAG3) Course Description An introduction to competitive bids like cuebids and other responses when partner makes an overcall or takeout double. Also explores declarer/dummy communication, lowering the stress in notrump play and developing trump tricks on defense.
All Around Game 4 (AAG4) Course Description Takes a look at fitting hand ideas, along with finding 5-3 fits on the second round of bidding. Focuses on suit combinations, suit leads and taking more tricks in notrump contracts.
All Around Game 5 (AAG5) Course Description Learn one of Donna's “Top 4 Conventions” along with two-suited bidding, staying out of bad 3NT contracts and passed hand bidding. Also covered: how to avoid a finesse, making the opponents do the work for you and carding the 4!
All Around Game 6 (AAG6) Course Description Welcome to the world of 2/1 GF and Forcing 1NT along with doubles including support, responsive, balancing and maximal doubles. Plus: safe hands, declarer’s two for ones and dummy’s secrets.
All Around Game 7 (AAG7) Course Description Explore awkward slam controls, avoiding cashing AK, finding the trump king and grand slam discoveries. Also included: hold up plays in suit and notrump contracts, along with clues from the air and honor logic.
All Around Game 8 (AAG8) Course Description Texas slam bidding, what’s that 1NT bid hiding and if you can spell it, then you can play it. What’s the combo situation, drilling down to the 4th round, being a paranoid declarer and did you hear that?
All Around Game 9 (AAG9) Course Description Introduces the concepts of inferences, assumptions and conclusions on bidding, play and defense. Other topics: Counting declarer’s hand, defenders’ hands and placing honor cards around the table.
All Around Game 10 (AAG10) Course Description The Law of Total Tricks, opener’s delayed raises, what’s in a name and how unusual can you be? Also: deceptive declarer plays, signals go wild, notrump defense thinking, and loving to squeeze the opponents.
All Around Game 11 (AAG11) Course Description Modern uses of redoubles, 2NT means what when?, Lebensohl, and even more defense tips for both suit and no-trump contracts.
All Around Game 12 (AAG12) Course Description Puppet stayman, common bidding errors and bidding traps to avoid, when to overcall vs double, and clues from bidding that help play/defense.
Donna's Seminars are shorter, single topic classes that highlight specific techniques pulled from the Workshops. Each level (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) has four bidding classes, four play classes, and four defense classes. If you want to take them in order, note that the classes are labeled 1 through 4. Each seminar comes with a video lesson, handout, and lesson hands that can be replayed in Shark Bridge. Scroll up for Donna's Comprehensive 5 Year Curriculum. Shop Seminars